research CV
selected press and quotes with industry partners
RedGrid launches the Internet of Energy Network (IOEN) Protocol on the back of a pioneering collaboration with Monash University. Chainwire, 2022.
Open Infrastructure Foundation Welcomes Six New Associate Members, Benzinga, 2022.
Monash University, NVIDIA and ARDC partner to explore the offloading of security in collaborative research applications. NVIDIA blog, 2021.
World-first computing technology on the ARDC Nectar Research Cloud. ARDC News, 2021.
Monash University Leverages bugcrowd for improved security visibility and continuous assurance. Bugcrowd case study, 2021.
ARDC Nectar Research Cloud upgraded at Monash University and the University of Tasmania. ARDC article, 2021,
Elevating Australia’s drone enabled geoscience. Auscope News, 2020.
Monash University eResearch centre improves research support with Red Hat ceph storage. Red Hat customer case study, 2017.
Monash University builds a flexible, out-of-band network with Cumulus Networks. Cumulus user story, 2017.
Cumulus Networks Accelerates Web-Scale Adoption for OpenStack Environments. Cumulus press release.
Monash Uni builds southern hemisphere's largest Ceph storage cluster - VicNode gets 5 petabytes of software-defined storage. IT News, 2016.
Creating 21st century microscopes. Dell whitepaper, 2016.
OpenStack gains momentum at Supercomputing 2016. OpenStack SuperUser, 2016.
Monash University expands cloud infrastructure to support researchers - Cloud allows researchers to have their own ‘21st century microscope’. CIO magazine, 2015.
Australia’s Largest University Debuts World’s First 100G End-to-End Cloud Powered by Mellanox CloudX and Spectrum Switches. Mellanox press release, 2015.
selected invited presentations
OpenInfra Live: OpenStack in Academia. OpenInfra Live. 2022. (video)
Passing on Reinventing the Wheel: Developing methods and reducing barriers to inter- and intra-disciplinary research output translation, 2020 ESIP Summer Meeting Plenary – panellist. Jane Wyngaard, Lindsay Barbieri, Jens Klump, Peter Webley, Steve Quenette, Chris Jack, Anthony Arendt.
Global experiences with digital research infrastructure federations, ARDC Storage and Compute Infrastructure Summit, Brisbane 2019
Institutional Directions, ARDC Data and Services Summit, Brisbane 2019
Climate change, Brain and Imaging Research on Openstack (Keynote), OpenStack Summit, Sydney 2017
Ceph as Monash University’s research data engine, Red Hat summit, Boston 2017
Visualisation: from Cloud to CAVE, O. Kaluza, S. Quenette, International Conference on Seismic Imaging, Inversion & Visualization, Haikou, Hainan Island, China, January 2017
Cloud Infrastructure to Help Researchers Build 21st Century Microscopes, OpenStack Summit, Barcelona, 2016. (video)
An environment for 21st century microscopes (Keynote). Dell Edu CIO seminar, Chengdu China, 2016
Scale and performance: Servicing the Fabric and the Workshop. CSIRO CSS & eResearch Annual Conference, Melbourne 2016
Software, complexity & reuse... Robust-to-experimental codes for geodynamics. Computational Infrastructure in Geodynamics – Strategic planning workshop, Pasadena USA, 2009
An approach to software composability, and its importance to enabling multiscale - multiphysics geodynamics, University of Minnesota, USA, 2008
A roles-based approach to enabling multi-scale, multi-physics computational geophysics codes, ExxonMobil Corporate Strategic Research, New Jersey, USA, 2006
commissioned reports
Manos, Steven, Spear, Kieran, Martinez, Paula A., Quenette, Steve, Gray, Mark, White, Andrew, & ARCOS Working Group. (2020). A National View of Containers and Kubernetes in Research: Shared challenges and opportunities.
​Soo, Ai-Lin, Janke, Andrew, Betbeder-Matibet, Luc, Francis, Rhys, Giugni, Stephen, & Quenette, Steve. (2020, June 1). Research Data Culture Conversation - Paper 1 "A Summary of the Challenge". Zenodo.
​Soo, Ai-Lin, Janke, Andrew, Betbeder-Matibet, Luc, Francis, Rhys, Giugni, Stephen, & Quenette, Steve. (2020, June 1). Research Data Culture Conversation - Paper 2 "A Development Response". Zenodo.
​Quenette, Steve, Coddington, Paul, Gray, Mark, Manos, Steven, & Fraser, Ryan. (2020). ARCOS establishment roadmap: A Nationally Coordinated Approach to Supporting Containers, Kubernetes, and Multi-Cloud Interoperability (Version 1.2).
Quenette, S. (2019). ARDC Infrastructure Discovery Report: Global Experiences Digital Research Infrastructure Federations. (1st ed.) Zenodo.
awarded grants
ARDC Nectar Research Cloud infrastructure to support ARDC SeRP Platform project - Monash ARDC Nectar Research Cloud infrastructure for SeRP. Quenette, Steve (PCI), Bonnington, Paul (CI), Aung, Swe Win (CI), Revote, Jerico (CI). ARDC Infrastructure. 24/03/22 → 30/06/23. $150,000 award + $150,000 co-investment
ARDC Nectar Research Cloud infrastructure to support ARDC machine learning users - Monash GPU and large memory servers for the ARDC Nectar Research Cloud. Quenette, Steve (PCI), Aung, Swe Win (CI), Bonnington, Paul (CI). ARDC Infrastructure. 24/03/22 → 30/06/23. $270,000 award + $270,000 co-investment
Pioneering security of research applications using BlueField Data Processing Units (DPUs). Quenette, S., Aung, S. W., Tan, C., Bretel, A., Ramachandran, S. & Roztal, A. NVIDIA. 1/11/20 → 30/05/21.
ARDC Data Retention Project Phase 1: Existing Collections. Quenette, S., Soo, A., Kannan, A., Groenewegen, D., Bonnington, P. & Goscinski, W. ARDC Infrastructure. 13/10/20 → 30/06/23. $568,000 awards + $550,00 co-contribution.
Computational capability of SAM maintaining Underworld and associated ecosystems. Moresi, Louis N. (PCI), Quenette, Steve (CI), Mansour, John (CI), Capitanio, Fabio (CI), Farrington, Rebecca (CI). Auscope. 1/07/20 → 30/06/22. $954,472 award
Auscope partnership in the Australian Scalable Drones Cloud (ASDC). Quenette, Steve (PCI), Clarke, Rohan (CI), Glasgow, Robert (CI), Kaluza, Owen (AI). Auscope. 1/07/20 → 30/06/22. $123,334 award
Establishing Australia’s Scalable Drone Cloud (ASDC). Quenette, Steve (PCI), Clarke, Rohan (CI), Rawling, Timothy (CI), Guru, Siddeswara (CI), Klump, Jens (CI), and Brown, Tim (CI). ARDC Platform 3/02/20→ 3/02/23. $855,000 award + $855,000 cash co-investment.
2nd Generation of the ARDC Nectar Research Cloud at Monash. Quenette, Steve (PCI), Aung, Swe Win (CI), Soo, Ai-Lin (CI), Goscinski, Wojtek (CI), Bonnington, Paul (CI), and Revote, Jerico (CI). ARDC Infrastructure. 1/01/20 → 31/12/22. $1,022,000.00 award + $678,000 cash co-contribution
Environments to Accelerate Machine Learning Based Discovery. Goscinski, Wojtek (PCI), Abramson, David (CI), Padmanabhan, Komathy (CI), Ge, Zongyuan (CI), Gray, Mark (CI), Backhaus, Ann (CI), Williams, Allan (CI), Carroll, Jake (CI), Ward, Nigel (CI), Quenette, Steve (CI), Bonnington, Paul (CI). ARDC Platform 3/02/20 → 3/02/22. $484,800 award + $484,800 co-investment
ACCS: The Australian Characterisation Commons at Scale. Goscinski, Wojtek (PCI), Bonnington, Paul (CI), Quenette, Steve (CI), Abbott, David (CI), Abramson, David (CI), Ali, Rubbiya (CI), Andrade, Jason (CI), Barth, Markus (CI), Betbeder-Matibet, Luc (CI), Beves, Jonathan (CI), Bond, Charles (CI), Boyd, Benjamin (CI), Bryant, Gary (CI), Cairney, Julie (CI), Colmer, Tim (CI), Egan, Gary (CI), Etheridge, Joanne (CI), Frazier, Jane (CI), Galloway, Graham (CI), Gentle, Ian (CI), Gilbert, Andrew (CI), Gray, Mark (CI), Hilder, Emily (CI), Janke, Andrew (CI), Johnstone, Tom (CI), Kemp, Carina (CI), Lay, Peter (CI), Love, Steven (CI), Martinez, Paula Andrea (CI), Mehnert, Andrew (CI), Moffat, Brad (CI), Mulvaney, Paul (CI), Raston, Colin Llewellyn (CI), Thordarson, Pall (CI), Weyland, Matthew (CI), Oijen, Antoine Van (CI), Sexton, Patrick (CI), Sullivan, Ryan (CI), Ward, Nigel (CI), Warr, Gregory (CI), Wepf, Roger (CI), Wilson, Lance (CI), Whisstock, James (CI), Yen, Lisa (CI). ARDC Platform 7/02/20 → 7/02/23. $1,980,000 award + $1,980,000 co-investment
Role of Institutions in a National Data Commons. Quenette, Steve (PCI), Groenewegen, David (CI), Ennor, Sandra (CI), Dart, Stephen (CI), Kannan, and Anitha (CI). ARDC. 1/09/19 → 31/01/20. $50,000 award.
Global experiences digital research infrastructure federations. Quenette, Steve (PCI), Goscinski, Wojtek (CI), Bonnington, Paul (CI). ARDC. 1/07/19 → 31/10/19. $50,000 award.
Machine learning infrastructure deployed at scale: understanding requirements, demand, impact and international best practice. Goscinski, Wojtek (PCI), Bonnington, Paul (CI), Quenette, Steve (CI), Padmanabhan, Komathy (CI). 1/06/19 → 31/10/19. ARDC. $50,000 award.
Understanding and Creating Instrument Generated Data Collections. Goscinski, Wojtek (PCI), Hassan, Amr (CI), Quenette, Steve (CI), Mehnert, Andrew (CI), Abramson, David (CI). 8/08/19 → 21/10/19. ARDC. $50,000 award.
Developing an Australian-scale Characterisation Data Capture, Collection, and Collaboration Outline. Goscinski, Wojtek (PCI), Bonnington, Paul (CI), Quenette, Steve (CI). 1/06/19 → 31/10/19. ARDC. $50,000 award.
Monash's Smart Energy City. German Burbano (PCI), Tim Hoban (CI), Andres Molnar (CI), Tony Fullelove (CI), Eloy Gonzalez Ortega, Juan Prieto Vivanco (CI), Mariano Ortega de Mues (CI), Reza Razzaghi (CI), David Barnes (CI), Zahraa Said Emam Ammar Abdallah (CI), Ariel Liebman (CI), Carsten Rudolph (CI), Giovani Polizzi (CI), Behrooz Bahrani (CI), Manos Varvarigos (CI), Christoph Bergmeir (CI), Kaveh Khalilpour (CI), Joseph Liu (CI), Ross Gawler (CI), Steve Quenette (CI). 01/10/2018 → 30/03/2022. ARENA. $2,974,162 award + $3,640,000 cash co-contribution
The Characterisation Data Enhanced Virtual Laboratory. Goscinski, Wojtek (PCI), Quenette, Steve (CI), Bonnington, Paul (CI). 1/12/17 → 31/03/20. Nectar Virtual Laboratories.
Research Cloud Core Services - WP01A. Manos, Steve (PCI), Botten, Lindsay Charles (CI), and Quenette, Steve (CI). NeCTAR Research Cloud Surge of Investment. 1/07/14 → 30/06/21. $6,258,378 award
Research Cloud National Neutron upgrade - WP01B. Quenette, Steve (PCI), Bethwaite, Blair (CI), Aung, Swe Win (CI), Revote, Jerico (CI), Bindoff, Nathaniel Lee (CI), Botten, Lindsay Charles (CI), Cook, Rob (CI), Gibson, Ian (CI), Hobson, Mary (CI), and Manos, Steve (CI). NeCTAR Research Cloud Surge of Investment. 1/07/14 → 30/06/15. $240,000 award
Research Cloud National Memory expansion - WP01C. Quenette, Steve (PCI), Bethwaite, Blair (CI), Aung, Swe Win (CI), Revote, Jerico (CI), Bindoff, Nathaniel Lee (CI), Botten, Lindsay Charles (CI), Cook, Rob (CI), Gibson, Ian (CI), Hobson, Mary (CI), and Manos, Steve (CI). NeCTAR Research Cloud Surge of Investment. 1/07/14 → 30/06/15. $512,507 award
Research Cloud Monitoring & Reporting - WP02. Botten, Lindsay Charles (CI), Bindoff, Nathaniel Lee (CI), Cook, Rob (CI), Gibson, Ian (CI), Hobson, Mary (CI), Quenette, Steve (CI), and Manos, Steve (CI). NeCTAR Research Cloud Surge of Investment. 1/07/14 →30/06/15. $376,000 award
Research Cloud Security Monitoring & Incident Response - WP03. Gibson, Ian (CI), Bindoff, Nathaniel Lee (CI), Botten, Lindsay Charles (CI), Cook, Rob (CI), Hobson, Mary (CI), Quenette, Steve (CI), and Manos, Steve (CI). NeCTAR Research Cloud Surge of Investment. 1/07/14 → 30/06/15. $228,000 award
Research Cloud Quality Assurance of Nectar VMs & Reference Stacks - WP04. Quenette, Steve (CI), and Bethwaite, Blair (CI). NeCTAR Research Cloud Surge of Investment. 1/07/14 → 30/06/15. $98,000 award
Research Cloud Continuous Improvement - WP05. Gibson, Ian (CI), Bindoff, Nathaniel Lee (CI), Botten, Lindsay Charles (CI), Cook, Rob (CI), Hobson, Mary (CI), Quenette, Steve (CI), and Manos, Steve (CI). NeCTAR Research Cloud Surge of Investment. 1/07/14 →30/06/15. $114,000 award
Research Cloud User Support & Distributed Help Desk - WP06. Cook, Rob (PCI), Bindoff, Nathaniel Lee (CI), Botten, Lindsay Charles (CI), Gibson, Ian (CI), Hobson, Mary (CI), Manos, Steve (CI), Quenette, Steve (CI), and Stringfellow, Neil (CI). NeCTAR Research Cloud Surge of Investment. 1/07/14 → 30/06/21. $2,791,422 award
Research Cloud Application Orchestration - WP07A. Manos, Steve (CI), Bindoff, Nathaniel Lee (CI), Botten, Lindsay Charles (CI), Cook, Rob (CI), Gibson, Ian (CI), Hobson, Mary (CI), and Quenette, Steve (CI). NeCTAR Research Cloud Surge of Investment. 1/07/14 → 30/06/15. $136,000 award
Research Cloud Trove - Database as a Service - WP07B. Quenette, Steve (PCI), Bethwaite, Blair (CI), Revote, Jerico (CI), Bindoff, Nathaniel Lee (CI), Botten, Lindsay Charles (CI), Cook, Rob (CI), Gibson, Ian (CI), Hobson, Mary (CI), and Manos, Steve (CI). NeCTAR Research Cloud Surge of Investment. 1/07/14 → 30/06/15. $136,650 award
Research Cloud Storage Services - WP07C. Botten, Lindsay Charles (CI), Bindoff, Nathaniel Lee (CI), Cook, Rob (CI), Gibson, Ian (CI), Hobson, Mary (CI), Quenette, Steve (CI), and Manos, Steve (CI). NeCTAR Research Cloud Surge of Investment. 1/07/14 →30/06/15. $157,250 award
Research Cloud Elastic Data Service - WP07.5. Botten, Lindsay Charles (CI), Bindoff, Nathaniel Lee (CI), Cook, Rob (CI), Gibson, Ian (CI), Hobson, Mary (CI), Quenette, Steve (CI), and Manos, Steve (CI). NeCTAR Research Cloud Surge of Investment. 1/07/14 →30/06/15. $86,000 award
Research Cloud Resource Allocation process & Management System - WP08 (CRAMS). Quenette, Steve (PCI), Barney, Sebastian (CI), Bindoff, Nathaniel Lee (CI), Botten, Lindsay Charles (CI), Cook, Rob (CI), Gibson, Ian (CI), Hobson, Mary (CI), and Manos, Steve (CI). NeCTAR Research Cloud Surge of Investment. 1/07/14 → 30/06/15. $192,000 award
Research Cloud National Server Program cloudification - WP11. Manos, Steve (CI), Botten, Lindsay Charles (CI), Cook, Rob (CI), and Quenette, Steve (CI). NeCTAR Research Cloud Surge of Investment. 1/07/14 → 30/06/15. $135,000 award
Access to Data for Culture and Community Research (A1.6). Mary Hobson (PCI), Andrew Williams (CI), Ian Gibson (CI), Rob Cook (CI), Steve Manos (CI), Steve Quenette (CI). Research Data Services. Dec 2014 - Jun 16. $502,760 award
Image Publishing Data Service (A1.4). Wojtek Goscinski (PCI), Steve Manos (CI), Steve Quenette (CI), Paul Bonnington (CI), Rob Cook (CI), Ian Gibson (CI). Research Data Services. Dec 2014 - Jun 16. $502,758 award
Australian National Medical Research Data Storage Facility (ANMRDSF). Ian Gibson (PCI), Steve Quenette (CI), Steve Manos (CI), Rob Cook (CI), Mary Hobson (CI). Research Data Storage Initiative ReDS III Large Collections. May 2014 - Dec 2014. $1,811,780 award
Australian Coordinated Characterisation Data Space (ACCDS). Wojtek Goscinski (PCI), Steve Quenette (CI), Paul Bonnington (CI), Steve Manos (CI), Rob Cook (CI), Ian Gibson (CI). Research Data Storage Initiative ReDS III Large Collections. May 2014 - Dec 2014. $985,129 award
National Genomics Data Storage Facility (NGDSF). Steve Manos (PCI), Steve Quenette (CI), Rob Cook (CI), Ian Gibson (CI). Research Data Storage Initiative ReDS III Large Collections. May 2014 - Dec 2014. $1,811,781 award
A longitudinal study of food cost across Victorian communities using a cluster randomised design. Truby, H., Palermo, C., Quenette, S. & Sinha, K. Department of Health and Human Services (Victoria). 1/01/12 → 31/12/14. $337,000 award
Underworld on the Virtual Geophysics Laboratory (VGL). Ryan Fraser (PCI), Ben Evans (CI), Leslie Wyborn (CI), Louis Moresi (CI), Steve Quenette (CI). Nectar Virtual Laboratory. Jul 2012 - Jan 2013. $634,000 award + $62,500 cash co-contribution
Geology from Geophysics - a geophysics workflow for Underworld. Louis Moresi (PCI), Steve Quenette (CI), Paul Bonnington (CI), Fabio Capitanio (CI), Rebecca Farrington (CI), Dietmar Muller (CI), Patrice Rey (CI), Juan Carlos Alfonso (CI), and Craig O'Neill (CI). Nectar eResearch Tools. Jul 2012 - Dec 2014. $364,582 award
NeCTAR Research Cloud at Monash. Quenette, Steve (PCI), Bonnington, Paul (CI), Bethwaite, Blair (CI), Aung, Swe Win (CI), Revote, Jerico (CI), Bindoff, Nathaniel Lee (CI), Botten, Lindsay Charles (CI), Cook, Rob (CI), Gibson, Ian (CI), Hobson, Mary (CI), and Manos, Steve (CI). NeCTAR Research Cloud. 6/06/12 → 30/06/21. $7,993,995 award + $2144,475 cash co-investment
CVL: The Characterisation Virtual Laboratory: Research Environment for Exploring Inner Space. Goscinski, Wojtek (PCI), Bonnington, Paul (CI), Quenette, Steve (CI), Reutens, David C. (CI), Whisstock, James (CI), Ringer, Simon P. (CI), Senden, Tim (CI), Egan, Gary (CI), Ordidge, Roger (CI), Kilpatrick, Trevor John (CI), Lawrence, Michael Colin (CI). 1/06/12 → 30/06/14. Nectar Virtual Laboratories. $1,618,108 award
VicNode - the Victorian Node of RDSI. Sendur Kathir (PCI), Liz Sonnenburg (CI), Steve Manos (CI), Ian Smith (CI), Paul Bonnington (CI), Steve Quenette (CI). Research Data Storage Initiative. Dec 2012 to 30/6/2021. $4,701,884 award
VicNode - a Research Data Storage Infrastrusture (RDSI) project. Sendur Kathir (PCI), Liz Sonnenburg (CI), Steve Manos (CI), Ian Smith (CI), Paul Bonnington (CI), Steve Quenette (CI). Victorian State Government - Deptartment of Business & Innovation. Oct 2012 - Jun 2014. $500,000 award
The Auscope Simulator - Victorian Node / AuScope Simulation, Analysis & Modelling (SAM) @ Monash. Louis Moresi (PCI), Steve Quenette (CI), Fabio Capitanio (CI), Steven Micklethwaite (CI). Auscope. Mar 2007 - Jun 2020. $2,945,709 award + $680,000 cash co-contribution
published open source software
Amarapathy, Samitha; Mohamed Feroze, Rafi; Luong, Melvin; Yu, Simon; Quenette, Steve; Dart, Stephen; et al. (2021): Cloud Resource Allocation Management System (CRAMS) - Data Dashboard release. Monash University. Software. /
Mansour, John; Farrington, Rebecca; Moresi, Louis; Kaluza, Owen; Quenette, Steve; Revote, Jerico (2021): AuScope Underworld Archive. Monash University. Dataset.
John Mansour, Julian Giordani, Louis Moresi, Romain Beucher, Owen Kaluza, Mirko Velic, Rebecca Farrington, Steve Quenette, Adam Beall. (2020, February 10). underworld2 (Version v2.9.0b). Zenodo. /
Moresi, Louis; Quenette, Steve; Lemiale, Vincent; Mériaux, Catherine; Appelbe, Bill; Muhlhaus, Hans-B; Giordani, Julian; Velic, Mirko; May, David; Farrington, Rebecca; Sharples, Wendy; Freeman, Justin; Mansour, John; Sunter, Patrick; Turnbull, Rob; Hodkinson, Luke; (2018, October 4). underworldcode/underworld1: Final version of UW1 (Version v2016-final). Zenodo. /
Owen Kaluza, Louis Moresi, John Mansour, David G Barnes, & Steve Quenette. (2020, July 21). lavavu/LavaVu: v1.6 (Version 1.6). Zenodo. /
Steve Quenette. (2020, February 17). quenette/COMPASS-C: Phd Final (Version Phd). Zenodo. /
Steve Quenette. (2020, February 17). quenette/COMPASS-I: Phd Final (Version Phd). Zenodo. ​/
journal publications
Mansour, J., Giordani, J., Moresi, L., Beucher, R., Kaluza, O., Velic, M., Farrington, R., Quenette, S., Beall, A., 2020, Underworld2: Python Geodynamics Modelling for Desktop, HPC and Cloud, Journal of Open Source Software, 5(47), 1797,
Liu, H., Giroux, B., Harris, L. B., Quenette, S. M., & Mansour, J. (2018). Numerical analysis of the role of radiogenic basement on temperature distribution in the St. Lawrence Lowlands, Québec. Geothermal Energy, 6, [30].
Revote, J., Watson-Haigh, N. S., Quenette, S., Bethwaite, B., McGrath, A., & Shang, C. A. (2017). Development of a cloud-based Bioinformatics Training Platform. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 18(3), 537-544.
O'Neill, C., Lenardic, A., Weller, M., Moresi, L., Quenette, S., & Zhang, S. (2016). A window for plate tectonics in terrestrial planet evolution? Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 255, 80-92.
Palermo, C. E., Perera-Schulz, D., Kannan, A., Truby, H., Shiell, A. M., Emilda, S., & Quenette, S. M. (2014). Development and Evaluation of an iPad App for Measuring the Cost of a Nutritious Diet. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 4(50), 1 - 6.
Meyer, G. R., Aragao, D., Mudie, N. J., Caradoc-Davies, T. T., McGowan, S., Bertling, P. J., Groenewegen, D., Quenette, S. M., Bond, C. S., Buckle, A. M., & Androulakis, S. G. (2014). Operation of the Australian Store.Synchrotron for macromolecular crystallography. Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography, 70(10), 2510 - 2519.
S. Quenette, L. Moresi, D. Abramson, Y. Xi., Underworld-GT applied to Guangdong, a tool to explore the geothermal potential of the crust, Journal of Earth Science. 01/2015; 26(1):78-88.
Rawling, T., Sandiford, M., Beardsmore, G., Quenette, S. M., Goyen, S., & Harrison, B. (2013). Thermal insulation and geothermal targeting, with specific reference to coal-bearing basins. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 60(8), 817-829.
Watson-Haigh, N. S., Shang, C. A., Haimel, M., Kostadima, M., Loos, R., Deshpande, N., Duesing, K., Li, X., McGrath, A., McWilliam, S., Michnowicz, S., Moolhuijzen, P., Quenette, S. M., Revote, J., Tyagi, S., & Schneider, M. V. (2013). Next-generation sequencing: a challenge to meet the increasing demand for training workshops in Australia. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 14(5), 563 - 574.
Patrick Sunter, Bill Appelbe, Steve Quenette, Louis Moresi. Scientific Software Frameworks and Grid Computing, International Federation for Information Processing Digital Library, 2010
Quenette, S., & Hodkinson, L. (2010). StgDomain - Scalable parallel domain software components for particle-in-cell finite element methods. Concurrency Computation: Practice and Experience, 22(12), 1593 - 1603.
D. R. Stegman, L. Moresi, R. Turnbull, J. Giordani, P. Sunter, A. Lo and S. Quenette, gLucifer: next generation visualization framework for high-performance computational geodynamics, Visual Geosciences, Volume 13, Number 1 / July, 2008, pg 71-84
Moresi, L-N., Quenette, S., Lemiale, V., Meriaux, C. A. M. D., Appelbe, W. F., & Muhlhaus, H. B. (2007). Computational approaches to studying non-linear dynamics of the crust and mantle. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 163, 69 - 82.
Appelbe, B., Moresi, L., Quenette, S., & Sunter, P. (2007). Scientific software frameworks and grid computing: Improving programming productivity. In P. W. Gaffney, & J. C. T. Pool (Eds.), Grid-Based Problem Solving Environments: IFIP TC2/ WG 2.5 Working Conference on Grid-Based Problem Solving Environments: Implications for Development and Deployment of Numerical Software (pp. 401-413). (IFIP International Federation for Information Processing; Vol. 239).
Quenette, S. M., Appelbe, B. F., Gurnis, M., Hodkinson, L. J., Moresi, L., & Sunter, P. D. (2004). An investigation into design for performance and code maintainability in high performance computing. ANZIAM Journal, 46(5 ELECTRONIC SUPPL.).
refereed conference publications
Grischa R Meyer, Steve Androulakis, Philip Bertling, Ashley Buckle, Wojtek James Goscinski, David Groenewegen, Chris Hines, Anitha Kannan, Sheena McGowan, Stevan Quenette, Jason Rigby, Patrick Splawa-Neyman, James M Wettenhall, David Aragao, Tom Caradoc-Davies, Nathan Mudie, Charles Bond (2017): The Australian Store.Synchrotron Data Management Service for Macromolecular Crystallography. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Control Systems (ICALEPCS 2015) . Melbourne.
Quenette, S., Moresi, L-N., Sunter, P., & Appelbe, B. (2007). Explaining StGermain: An aspect oriented environment for building extensible computational mechanics modeling software. In T. M. Pinkston (Ed.), Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2007 IPDPS 2007 (pp. 1 - 8). IEEE, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
white papers and reports (non-commissioned)
Soo, Ai-Lin; Quenette, Steve; Francis, Rhys (2022): Research Data Culture Conversation - A Macro View of Retained Australian Academic Research Data. Monash University. Report.
Quenette, Steve; O'Neill, Craig (2010): AuScope Geothermal Demonstrators - Gunnedah, New South Wales, Australia. Monash University. Report.
Quenette, Steve; Kirkby, Alison (2010): AuScope Geothermal Demonstrators - Cooper Basin, South Australia / Queensland, Australia. Monash University. Report.
Quenette, Steve; Rawling, Timothy; Musson, Alex; Sandiford, Mike (2010): AuScope Geothermal Demonstrators - Latrobe Valley, Victoria, Australia. Monash University. Report.
open publications, blogs and figures
Soo, Ai-Lin; Sadiq, Ayesha; Quenette, Steve; Hargreaves, Mitchell (2022): DIPS Digital Twin Technology. Monash Digital Energy blog. / Monash University. Online resource.
Sadiq, Ayesha; Hargreaves, Mitchell; Lai, Sharnelle; Quenette, Steve; Razzaghi, Reza (2022): Real-time Machine Learning at the edge of power systems. Monash Digital Energy blog. / Monash University. Online resource.
Quenette, Steve; Sadiq, Ayesha; Razzaghi, Reza; Lai, Sharnelle (2022): Data Engineering the Distributed and Intelligent Power System in Smart Energy City. Monash Digital Energy blog. / Monash University. Online resource.
Quenette, Steve; Sadiq, Ayesha; Soo, Ai-Lin; Lai, Sharnelle (2022): The ambition for Smart Energy Cities and the modern role of Universities in getting there. Digital Energy blog. / Monash University. Online resource.
Ben Boreham, Shahaan Ayyub, Swe Aung and Steve Quenette (2022). Using DPUs to encrypt traffic per VM. Research Cloud @ Monash blog.
Ben Boreham, Swe Aung and Steve Quenette (2022). How do I use a DPU as NIC? Research Cloud @ Monash blog.
Revote, Jerico; Aung, Swe Win; Quenette, Steve; Lacaze, Paul (2022): ASPREE information systems for genomic medicine using targeted panel sequencing. Monash Research Cloud blog. / Monash University. Online resource.
Soo, Ai-Lin; Francis, Rhys; Quenette, Steve; Betbeder-Matibet, Luc; GIUGNI, STEPHEN; Abramson, David; et al. (2022): RDA Poster - Developing an Effective Research Data Culture (RDCC). Monash University. Poster.
Quenette, Steve (2021): Monash University Joins OpenInfra Foundation as Associate Member. Monash Research Cloud blog. / Monash University. Online resource.
Quenette, Steve; Soo, Ai-Lin; FRANCIS, RHYS (2021): Universities confront the Yin and Yang of data. Monash University. Figure.
Quenette, Steve; Kaluza, Owen; Moresi, Louis (2021): Latrobe Valley images from the Auscope Geothermal demonstrators. Monash University. Figure.
Revote, Jerico; Aung, Swe Win; Quenette, Steve; Xie, Jue; Burstein, Frada (2021): Breast Cancer Knowledge Online. Monash Research Cloud blog. / Monash University. Online resource.
Revote, Jerico; Aung, Swe Win; Quenette, Steve; Fletcher, Rohan; Duong, Huu Nhan; Lajbcygier, Paul (2021): Revisiting the next generation of StockPrice infrastructure. Monash Research Cloud blog. / Monash University. Online resource.
Revote, Jerico; Aung, Swe Win; Quenette, Steve; Anderson, Alexandra; Verdejo-Garcia, Antonio (2021): Triple Mechanism Cognitive Impulsivity Battery. Monash Research Cloud blog. / Monash University. Online resource.
Revote, Jerico; Aung, Swe Win; Quenette, Steve; Padmanabhan, Komathy (2021): Secure safehaven for the ASPREE clinical trial - The need. Monash Research Cloud blog. / Monash University. Online resource.
Revote, Jerico; Quenette, Steve (2021): Kaptive – How novel searches within bacterial genomic data are presented and hosted on R@CMon. Monash Research Cloud blog. / Monash University. Online resource.
Revote, Jerico; Quenette, Steve; Aung, Swe Win (2021): Co-designing clouds for the data future of fintech. Monash Research Cloud blog. / Monash University. Online resource.
Revote, Jerico; Aung, Swe Win; Quenette, Steve (2020): iLearn on R@CMon. Monash Research Cloud blog. / Monash University. Online resource.
Quenette, Steve (2020): Safe haven pattern on the Research Cloud. Monash University. Figure.
Quenette, Steve (2020): Safe haven basic pattern. Monash University. Figure.
Quenette, Steve (2020): Monash precincts health data - dual dichotomies diagram. Monash University. Figure.
Quenette, Steve (2020): Ecosystem for information assurance, age & value - a tiered continuum. Monash University. Figure.
Quenette, Steve (2020): Safe haven governance diagrams. Monash University. Figure.
Quenette, Steve (2019): National e-Infrastructure Workshop - Using OpenStack for IaaS as Accessible Research Infrastructure. figshare. Presentation.
Quenette, Steve; Moresi, Louis; Mansour, John; Revote, Jerico (2015): Modelling in tomorrrow's technological landscape - Unveiling Underworld2. figshare. Poster.
Revote, Jerico; Bethwaite, Blair; Quenette, Steve; Aung, Swe Win (2014): Stock Price Impact Models Study on R@CMon. Monash Research Cloud blog. / Monash University. Online resource.
Revote, Jerico; Bethwaite, Blair; Aung, Swe Win; Quenette, Steve (2013): Bioplatforms Australia - CSIRO NGS Workshop (July 9-10 2012). Monash Research Cloud blog. / Monash University. Online resource.
Quenette, Steve; Abramson, David (2013): Community built computational software and towards curation of its parts. figshare. Poster.
Quenette, Steve; Moresi, Louis (2013): Software Reuse targeted at community developed simulation models. figshare. Poster.
Quenette, Steve; O'Neill, Craig; Moresi, Louis; Danis, Cara; Mansour, John (2013): Underworld and multi-basin heat flow. figshare. Poster.
Quenette, Steve (2013): Parallelizing (making) a peanut butter sandwich. figshare. Poster.
refereed presentations
Amarapathy, Samitha; Hirimuthugoda, Rohan; Quenette, Steve; Aung, Swe Win; Revote, Jerico; Maslin, Dan; Messina, Ed. Cloud Vulnerability Reporting Dashboard. Presentation. eResearch Australasia 2022.
Soo, Ai Lin; Fisch, Eva; McClean, Kerry; Splawa-Neyman, Patrick; Quenette, Steve; Groenewegen, David. Insights into practice vs theory – research data management and sharing. Presentation. eResearch Australasia 2022.
Clarke, R. H., Klump, J., Guru, S., Micklethwaite, S., Morris, B., Quenette, S. M., et al. (2021). Building Australia’s Scalable Drone Cloud. Presented at the RPAS in Australian Skies 2021, Canberra, ACT, Australia: Australian Association for Unmanned Systems. Retrieved from
Klump, J., Brown, T., Clarke, R., Glasgow, R., Micklethwaite, S., Guru, S., et al. (2021). Building Australia’s Scalable Drone Cloud (pp. EGU21-3820). Presented at the EGU General Assembly 2021, virtual: Copernicus Meetings.
Quenette, Steve; Ramachandran, Sudarshan; Roztal, Arik; Tan, Gin; Aung, Swe Win; Bretel, Adam (2020): Offloading the impact of security 
– piloting DPUs (eResearch Australasia 2020 presentation). Monash University. Media.
Quenette, Steve; Ramachandran, Sudarshan; Roztal, Arik; Tan, Gin; Aung, Swe Win; Bretel, Adam (2020): Offloading the impact of security 
– piloting DPUs. Monash University. Presentation.
Klump, J., Clarke, R., Micklethwaite, S., Guru, S., Morris, B., Quenette, S. M., et al. (2020). Building Australia’s Scalable Drone Cloud. In American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2020 (poster NH028-0005). virtual: American Geophysical Union.
Rhys Francis, Ai-Lin Soo, Andrew Jenke, Luc BetBeder-Matibet, Stephen Giugni, Steve Quenette (2019). Developing an Effective Research Data Culture. C3DIS
Steve Quenette, Wojtek James Goscinski, Komathy Padmanabhan, Paul Bonnington. eResearch through Co-Design Implementing ISO 9001 at Monash eResearch. eResearch Australasia 2018
Komathy Padmanabhan, Steve Quenette, Anitha Kannan1, Paul Bonnington. Safe Havens – enabling data driven outcomes. eResearch Australasia, 2018
Catherine Nicholls, Nicholas McPhee, David Groenewegen, Neil Dickson, Adrian Tritschler, Steve Quenette, David Lam. Sentencing for MURDA. eResearch Australasia 2017
Moloney, G; Coddington, P; Quenette, S (2017). Openstack Clouds as Research Infrastructure. OpenStack Summit Sydney. (video)
Kannan, Anitha; Androulakis, Steve; R. Meyer, Grischa; Wettenhall, James; Rigby, Jason; Perry, Andrew; et al. (2016): Instrument Integration: the key to accessing Science Gateways. figshare. Presentation.
Steve M. Quenette; Louis N. Moresi; David Abramson. Underworld results as a triple (shopping list, posterior, priors). American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2013
Yufei Xi; Yanxin Wang; David A. Yuen; Xiangyun Hu; Stevan Quenette; Shuang Liu; Tianyou Liu. Magnetic Imaging of the Curie Isothermal surface under Guangdong Province and its application in Guangdong geothermal modeling. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2013
S. Quenette. Guangdong: forward models, inversion and programming languages. International Workshop on Exploration & Development of Geothermal Resources in Guangdong China, June 30, 2013
Yufei Xi, Yanxin Wang, Steve Quenette, John Mansour, Xiangyun Hu, David A.Yuen, Geophysical modeling in Guangdong geothermal exploration. International Workshop on Exploration & Development of Geothermal Resources in Guangdong China, June 30, 2013
A. Kirkby, R. Fraser, S. Quenette. Virtual Geophysics Laboratory (VGL) version 1.1: Recent developments to incorporate 3D geological maps and thermal modelling using the Underworld software. 23rd International Geophysical Conference & Exhibition, Melbourne 11-14th August, 2013.
Cara Danis, Craig O’Neill and Steve Quenette. Assessing the calibration of the Sydney Basin thermal structure model - are shallow groundwater bores a good substitute for deeper measurements. ASEG Extended Abstracts 01/2013; 2013(1):1. DOI: 10.1071/ASEG2013ab022
S. Quenette, L. Moresi, C. O‘Neill, C. Danis. The effects of temperature dependent conductivity on basin scale heat flow. Proceedings, Thirty-Seventh Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford University, Stanford, California, January 30 - February 1, 2012
S. Quenette, L. Moresi and J. Mansour. Geothermal potential of the crust-models, models and more models. An International Workshop of Deep Geothermal Systems Wuhan, China, June 29-30, 2012
Steve Quenette, Adam Beall, Ben Mather and Louis Moresi. Geothermal potential of the crust - the role of the underworld. Australian Geothermal Energy Conference, Sydney, Australia, Nov 14-16, 2012
Cara Danis, Craig O’Neill and Steve Quenette. Is it hot enough down there? Assessing geothermal potential in the Sydney-Gunnedah-Bowen Basin, Australian Geothermal Energy Conference, Sydney, Australia, Nov 14-16, 2012
Quenette, S. M.; O'Neill, C.; Moresi, L. N.; Danis, C. R.; Mansour, J. Underworld and multi-basin heat flow, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2011
S. Quenette, O. Kaluza, W. Mason, L. Sutedja, T. Rawling, C. O'Neill, H. Xing, A. Kirkby, NCRIS outcomes delivered through interactive 3D-PDFs, eResearch Australasia, Brisbane, 2010
P. Sunter, W. Sharples, S. Quenette, W. Mason, J. Revote, Towards Reproducible Scientific Benchmarking Workflows in Geophysics: the CREDO Toolkit, eResearch Australasia, Brisbane, 2010
S. Quenette, D. Morrison, A. Thompson, Experiences in Enabling Digital Pathology for Research and Clinical Use in Victoria, HIC 2010: Proceedings; 18th Annual Health Informatics Conference: Informing the Business of Healthcare, 24-26 August 2010
Quenette, S. M.; Moresi, L. N. Models based experimentation: numerical modelling of 3D basin scale architecture heat & fluid flow. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2010 (talk)
Wendy Mason, Steve Quenette, Darran Carey, Louis Moresi, ARCS Compute Grid Supporting Research Community Development: the Underworld Case Study, eResearch Australasia 2009
S. Quenette, D. Morrison, A. Thompson, and M. Rebbechi. Experiences in enabling digital pathology for research in Victoria, 3rd eResearch Australasia Conference, Manly, Australia, 2009
W. Mason, S. Quenette, D. Carey and L. Moresi. ARCS Compute Grid Supporting Research Community Development: the Underworld Case Study. 3rd eResearch Australasia Conference, Manly, Australia, 2009
S. Quenette, L. Moresi. Collaborative Code Development with CIG. Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics: Results and Comments, Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics, 2009
Quenette S., Hodkinson L., Moresi L., Appelbe B. StGermain software environment for HPC and software maintenance. An international workshop on Geodynamical Phenomena: From Field, Observational, Computational, Seismological and Rheological Perspectives, Suzdal, Russia, 2009
Quenette, S. Software Reuse Targeted at Community Developed Simulation Models. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2008
L. Hodkinson, S. Quenette, P. Sunter, C. Meriaux, B. Appelbe, Scalable 3D Decomposition Implementation for Finite Elements, APAC07
A Asgari, V Lemiale, P Sunter, S Quenette, P Hodgson, B Rolfe, Application of radial return mapping algorithm for finite strain elastoplasticity in a hybrid finite element and particle-in-cell model, Proceedings of the 7th World Congress of Computational Mechanics on Computational Bridging of Length Scales in Complex Materials, Los Angeles, California, 20–21 July 2006
Duboz, C.; Stegman, D.; Moresi, L.; Turnbull, R.; Lo, A.; Quenette, S. gLucifer: Next-generation visualization framework for high-perfomance computational geodynamic models, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2005
Quenette, S. M.; Moresi, L.; Sunter, P. D.; Hodkinson, L.; Lo, A.; Hassan, R.; Appelbe, B.; Turnbull, R. From StGermain to Underworld: Enabling Community-based code Development in Geodynamics, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2005
Quenette, S. M. Parallelizing a peanut butter sandwich. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2005 (education)
Choi, E.; Thoutireddy, P.; Lavier, L.; Quenette, S.; Tan, E.; Gurnis, M.; Aivazis, M.; Appelbe, B. Coupling models of crustal deformation and mantle convection: An application of GeoFramework. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2004
DA May, L Moresi, Steve Quenette, Bill Appelbe. Snark+Underworld: Towards a general computational tool for geodynamic modelling, Bollettino di Geofisica, 2004
Tan, E.; Choi, E.; Thoutireddy, P.; Aivazis, M.; Lavier, L.; Quenette, S.; Gurnis, M. Examples of Linking Codes Within GeoFramework, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2003
Gurnis, M.; Aivazis, M.; Tromp, J.; Tan, E.; Thoutireddy, P.; Liu, Q.; Choi, E.; Dicaprio, C.; Chen, M.; Simons, M.; Quenette, S.; Appelbe, B.; Aagaard, B.; Williams, C.; Lavier, L.; Moresi, L.; Law, H. GeoFramework: A Modeling Framework for Solid Earth Geophysics, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2003
Bill Appelbe, David May, Steve Quenette, S Tang, Feng Wang, Louis Moresi, Towards rapid geoscience model development-the snark project, Proceedings of 3rd ACES (APEC Cooperation for Earthquake Simulation) Workshop, 2002
BoFs and workshops
Steve Quenette, Paul Coddington, Mark Gray, Angus Macoustra, Tim Pugh, Carmel Walsh, Max Wilkinson, Allan Williams. Sustainability of AI-scale digital research infrastructure. Workshop. eResearch Australasia 2023.
Quenette, Steve; Wilkinson, Max. Characterising Australia’s experience with research data at scale. Workshop. eResearch Australasia 2022.
Soo, Ai-Lin; Quenette, Steve; Francis, Rhys; Wilkinson, Max; Burton, Nichola: The Macro-View: Research Data and Researcher Files. BoF. eResearch Australasia 2022.
Soo, Ai-Lin; Francis, Rhys; Quenette, Steve; Wilkinson, Max; Kemp, Carina; Walsh, Carmel; et al. (2022): eRA 2021 BoF - Supporting data life cycles at the macro scale. Monash University. Presentation.
Jo Dalvean, Ian Thomas, Nick May, Steve Quenette, Christopher Adda, Bernard Meade, Luc Betbeder-Matibet. Governance Models for Research Compute. eResearch Australasia, 2020
Soo, Ai-Lin; Francis, Rhys; Quenette, Steve (2022): eResearch Australasia 2019 An Effective and Affordable Research Data Culture. Monash University. Presentation.
Soo, Ai-Lin; Francis, Rhys; Quenette, Steve (2022): 2019 eResearch Australasia Data Summit RDCC Institutional Directions. Monash University. Presentation.
Soo, Ai-Lin; Francis, Rhys; Quenette, Steve (2022): Research Data Culture Conversation National Meetings 2019. Monash University. Presentation.
Francis, Rhys; Soo, Ai-Lin; Quenette, Steve (2020): Research Data Culture Conversation 2019 National Meeting. Monash University. Presentation.
Jens Klump, Timothy Brown, Rohan Clarke, Robert Glasgow, Sideswarra Guru, Owen Kaluza, Steven Micklethwaite, Beryl Morris, Stevan Quenette, Tim Rawling, Nathan Reid, Susie Robinson (2020). Drones in Field Research. BoF in eResearch Australasia 2020. virtual.
Klump, J., Quenette, S. M., & Wyngaard, J. (2020). Drones in Field Research BoF. Presented at the C3DIS, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Quenette, Steve; Soo, Ai-Lin (2020): Monash Showbag for Research Data Culture Conversation. Monash University. Presentation.
Francis, Rhys; Quenette, Steve (2019): Institutional Role in an Effective Research Data Culture. BoF. eResearch Australasia 2019.
Coddington, P.; Nisbet, S.; Quenette, S.; Monas, S. (2017). Do you speak Cloud? Global research on open platforms. Panel. OpenStack Day, Melbourne.
Bill Boas, Robert Budden, Mike Lowe, Kate Keahey, Jonathan Mills, Blair Bethwaite, Stig Teller, Paul Calleja, Steve Quenette. HPC/Research Computing: Leveraging the Architectures, Flexibilities, and Tools Emerging from the Members of the OpenStack Scientific Community. Panel. International Conference on Supercomputing, Denver, 2017
Grischa R Meyer, Steve Androulakis, Philip Bertling, Ashley Buckle, Wojtek James Goscinski, David Groenewegen, Chris Hines, Anitha Kannan, Sheena McGowan, Stevan Quenette, Jason Rigby, Patrick Splawa-Neyman, James M Wettenhall, David Aragao, Tom Caradoc-Davies, Nathan Mudie, Charles Bond (2017): The Australian Store.Synchrotron Data Management Service for Macromolecular Crystallography. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Control Systems (ICALEPCS 2015) . Melbourne.
Quenette, S., Moresi, L-N., Sunter, P., & Appelbe, B. (2007). Explaining StGermain: An aspect oriented environment for building extensible computational mechanics modeling software. In T. M. Pinkston (Ed.), Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2007 IPDPS 2007 (pp. 1 - 8). IEEE, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.